How To Customize Any Box Template Design From WordPress Dashboard

< 1 min read

  1. Go to the WordPress Dashboard and create a new post [Posts → Add New] and give title to the post

  1. Copy the shortcode of your Box Content that you created using Exact Links

  1. Paste the shortcode in the Post’s body 

  1. Click on “Publish” button 

  1. Now visit the link clicking on the permalink given 

  1. Great! Your Box Content is published! Now lets customize the box content using the wordpress dashboard. Go to WordPress Dashboard and click on “Exact Links → All Links”

  1. Edit “Badge Text”

  1. Edit “Price”

  1. Edit “Description” texts

  1. Edit “Disclosure” Texts

  1. Select “Badge Background Color” from here

  1. Edit “Badge Text Color” from here

  1. Edit “Button Background Color” from here

  1. Edit “Button Text Color” here 

  1. Finally click on “Update Box Content” button

  1. Great job! Your box content is updated now. Reload the Page and you will see the updated content.

For better understanding, watch the video

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